
Teenagers Who Vape Are More Likely To Smoke Cigarettes Later On

E-cigarettes were first introduced as a smoking cessation device, with many stating the product helped them to stop smoking tobacco cigarettes.


Data showed that 13.7 percent of 12 graders were engaged in either traditional cigarette smoking or vaping in 2014 even as the teenage smoking rate for 2004 was only nine percent. Four years later, the number rose to 16 percent.

Bhatnagar says smoking was de-normalized when it was banned from public spaces and discouraged from display in TV and movies, which he credits for the major gains in decreased tobacco use and addiction.

California has the lowest smoking rates in the nation. In fact, the House Appropriations Committee passed a bill making it harder for the FDA to protect kids from e-cigarettes and cigars.

These surveys were based on five groups of high school teens monitored in 2014, 2004, 2001, 1998, and 1995. When the question was expanded to ask whether the students smoked or vaped, 14 percent said they had.

Like the USC study, Monitoring the Future found that vaping levels in 2014 were higher than smoking.

But some people have picked holes in Aruni’s opinions that no disease has been scientifically linked to e-cigarette yet. Increasingly, more number of teenagers is trying to vaping with flavored e-cigarettes resulting into new generation of nicotine users.

“E-cigarettes are recruiting at least some youth who likely would never have smoked combustible cigarettes”, she told Reuters Health by email.

The nicotine levels may also not be the same in the two products.

The potential safety of e-cigarettes, devices that heat a liquid consisting of nicotine, flavorings and other chemicals to create a vapor, is hotly debated.

“Our study demonstrates that both cigarettes (and e-cigarettes) have unfavorable effects on markers of oxidative stress and FMD after single use, although e-cigarettes appeared to have a lesser impact”, the study stated.

“Overstating the risks of e-cigarettes is logically and ethically equivalent to understating the risks of tobacco smoking”, Bates says.

Finally, Bates said exaggerating the dangers of e-cigarettes also causes harm. “It’s just another tobacco product that is out there and getting kids addicted”.

The continuing national decline in teen cigarette smoking, though, suggests that vaping may be keeping some teens from smoking.

For some experts, the increase in vaping may not be that concerning when you look at the big picture.

In other words, people started combining smoking with vaping which led to a critical situation throughout the country.

While it is illegal to smoke in an enclosed area under smoke-free legislation, e-cigarettes are not legally banned as they produce a vapour rather than smoke.


I know that seniors who turn 18 before graduation often provide or sell cigarettes and electronic cigarettes to underclassmen.

California Department of Public Health Calls E Cigarettes A Health Threat And Calls For Regulation