
Teens ask for jobs to stay out of gangs, immediately get hired

The head of the LaGrange, Georgia Housing Authority was approached by four young Black teens looking for jobs and instantly gave them an opportunity to work in late July.


After they walked into her office asking for a job Heard asked why they wanted to work for her. She then inquired if they had been approached by a gang and the teens replied with a resounding yes.

The boys had said gang members kept approaching them and they needed a place to go.

Determined not to allow these young men to fall peril to gang life, Heard hired them on the spot. She paired them with a maintenance worker who show them basic carpentry skills during Thanksgiving and winter break a year ago, according to WXIA.

“If we don’t capture them now, we’ll lose them”, Heard said. “They said if you give them the support they need, they are going to be successful”.

One of the new employees has already expressed an interest in a career working with livestock, Heard told WXIA.

The boys are paid on a prepaid debit card and have been using their earnings on clothes and supplies they’ll need for the upcoming school year.


As for the response to her post, Heard said it’s been overwhelmingly positive. They also pass out mail and do other deliveries. “I don’t want them to seek the love and attention from the negative”. In addition, the boys will be added to a teen leadership and mentorship program, which will keep up with them throughout the year.

Head of LaGrange Ga. Zsa Zsa Heard hired 4 young teens at the end of the summer after they asked for jobs in order to avoid gangs