
Ten years after Hurricane Katrina some New Orleans families call Austin home

There are so many different things we take for granted. In mid-2014, New Orleans had only about 79 percent of the population it did in mid-2005.


The results are a confusing picture.

As Katrina churned in the Atlantic before hitting the Gulf Coast, AccuWeather meteorologists were at the forefront of forecasting the devastating storm.

“The recovery of the local economy is a key stabilizing factor that has driven the city’s recent positive momentum, by bringing people back, rebuilding communities and revitalizing the tourism industry, which is a key source of revenue for the city”, Moody’s analyst Andy Hobbs said in a statement.

Martin highlighted the “crucial fundamental flaws” Hurricane Katrina exposed which in turn also highlighted these same flaws in other areas of the country because “it’s not like Katrina caused poverty, it’s not like Katrina caused renters verse owners”. It shows what scientists thought would be the path of the storm. Hurricane Katrina made the body of the church stronger. “So, still seeing that months later was pretty traumatic”, Patterson said.

The storm’s devastation was so horrific the name “Katrina” has been retired and will never be used again by the National Weather Service.

Henderson presented his research on Monday at the opening of The Atlantic magazine’s conference, New Orleans: Ten Years Later. Even though I had only just gotten drafted, it was going to be my first time away from home and I felt a connection to the city. “For us to make the playoffs and have the run that we did in our first year back was great, but it still sickens me we lost Game 7 to San Antonio. Most African-American residents do not feel that way”. A 100-year storm is a storm that has a 1 percent chance of occurring in any given year.

The study hasn’t continued to follow those children. “Innovative people who see opportunity where others see chaos”.

Brees, who moved to New Orleans and joined the Saints shortly after Katrina, following a shoulder injury and a failed contract negotiation, says he is grateful to his adopted city for helping him believe in himself.

Corina Graif, a researcher at Tulane University, studied more than 700 mostly low-income and African-American women from New Orleans who were enrolled in community college when the storm hit. A Chicago Tribune columnist was immediately pilloried after she wished for a Katrina-like reset for the government in her home city.

Charter schools changed the city’s approach to education, eliminating attendance zones, removing unions and giving parents a real say where they send their kids to school.


With multiple wildfires burning in Washington State, firefighters need all the help they can get. On August 29, it made landfall on the Gulf Coast as a less-intense, but still very unsafe Category 3. The survey, the Michigan Survey of Consumers, asks about people’s emotional well-being as well as their finances.

BILOXI MS – Ten years after Katrina we’re bringing you stories of struggle recovery hope and leadership