
Tennessee governor shares thoughts on Black Lives Matter movement

Theoretically, no. In reality, it’s looking more like it every day.


“Black people make up 23 percent of New York’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings”.

If valid, Stalien would not be the only police officer to be openly critical of the movement. “Cops are getting shot”.

The former NYC mayor also used his own record in office as an example of how in his mind, he not only cares about black lives, but actually did something to save them.

Before he was killed, the Dallas sniper cited Black Lives Matter and said that he wanted to kill white people and especially white police.

Racial bias exists within the police force and it is exhibited in the lack of accountability for the officers who perpetuate this murder. When Eric Garner and Michael Brown were killed by police, the killings of two officers in NY immediately followed.

Williams also appeared on CNN to discuss the Dallas shooting and Black Lives Matter.

Noting that President Barack Obama has criticized the movement before, Biden said some involved in the movement have criticized police in their chants. “They want a more safe, more equal society”.

Woods compared the discussion to the slogan ‘save the rain forest.’ He said people aren’t implying that one should chop down the rest of the trees. “The reality is this is a peaceful, human rights movement led by incredible courageous black people”, says co-founder Opa Tometi. Barnes responded, “Yeah, so we have to stand together”. “And it pits two equally important interests against each other that weren’t against each other”.

In an interview with CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday, Giuliani suggested that the movement “divides” Americans, continuing to assert: “Black lives matter”. “Not saying what they are doing over there is wrong though”. “I give no credit to that organization”.

“We intend to treat everyone with respect and try to keep the peace and harmony in our community”, Landon wrote to Alex.

It is a frustrating dilemma. “And if you’re not, you should probably just shut the fuck up”, said Seth Meyers, sounding off on recent controversial comments made by Rudy Giuliani.

“I feel like they’re privileged and I feel like they can get away with things that we can’t”, Rae Stewart, a protester said.

It came on the heels of an emotional week that saw police officers shoot and kill black men in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis.


However, Trump later called himself a big fan of law enforcement and noted that police shootings “get broadcast. and they don’t show all the good work the police does”.

Protest In Solidarity With US Black Lives Matter Movement