
Tennessee tutor accused of driving 3 students in car trunk

A teacher from Nashville was arrested after three children were found in the trunk of her auto.


La Vergne police spokesman John Fesmire tells media outlets that surveillance footage shows that three children, all 10-years-old or younger, were inside the trunk while 32-year-old Andria D. James was driving her auto Sunday evening.

James is an Intervention Specialist with Alex Green Elementary Impact School and the children were reportedly students of hers. They found six other kids in the cab area of her vehicle.

It’s unclear why the children were with her in the first place.

The children’s parents were called and they were able to pick up their children, reports the station. Parents tell the kids were with James for a weekend of activities such as swimming at a YMCA, skating and playing at James’ house.

She is due to appear in court on March 9 at 8 a.m. She was released from jail on $1,000 early Monday morning, according to jail records.

“Andria James is a part time tutor at Alex Green Elementary and has been since September”. The sheriff’s office has confirmed that she does not work for Rutherford County Schools.


“Obviously, the acts she is accused of are completely inappropriate for an educator entrusted with caring for students, and we will take further disciplinary action if needed as more details come to light”, the district said in a statement.

Charged Nashville-area school teacher Andria Desha James 32 was arrested on charges of reckless endangerment Sunday