
“Terrorist incident”: Knife attack in London subway station

Three people have been stabbed with a knife by a 29-year-old man at Leytonstone Tube station in London Saturday evening.


Leytonstone station will remain closed while police are investigating the incident and there will be no service between Liverpool station and Woodford/Newbury Park for the rest of Sunday.

Metropolitan Police said the victims, none of whom are believed to have life-threatening injuries, were stabbed at Leytonstone underground station just after 7 p.m. local time by a male suspect.

“I saw pedestrians shouting at him, one tried to throw a bottle and the police officers said “back off” and took him to the police van”.

This is mainly due to the threat the authorities say is posed by Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq and their encouragement of supporters to carry out attacks in their homelands.

A police commander told The Guardian, “We are treating this as a terrorist incident….” The country is on the second-highest alert level of “severe”, fearing attacks by militant group ISIS.

The knifeman reportedly shouted “this is for Syria”.

Dramatic mobile phone footage shows the assailant walking through an exit gate and then threatening to attack other people with a knife, wildly slashing the weapon through the air.

He said: “As I walked down, I saw people running helter-skelter, but ignored it. Suddenly I saw this guy with a knife and a “dead” guy on the floor”.

A video of the incident has apparently been posted on Twitter and shows a large pool of blood spattered across the ticket hall as the suspect is tasered by a police officer.

In May 2013 a British army soldier Lee Rigby was attacked and killed on one of London’s busy street by two Muslim converts. Two other people have sustained minor injuries.”Met officers attended the scene”.

There was no immediate reaction to the stabbing attack from either Cameron or foreign secretary Philip Hammond, both of whom said that the United Kingdom would be “safer” after the vote in favor of bombing Syria.

“We are treating this as a terrorist incident”.


The attack came just days after Britain launched its first air strikes against terrorist targets inside Syria.

Police were called to reports of a number of people stabbed at the station in east London and a man threatening other people with a knife