
Tester deciding whether to back Garland for Supreme Court

In the typical high-court confirmation process, the submission of the questionnaire is a low-drama event — a disclosure of pertinent facts about the nominee in prelude to the klieg lights of Senate hearings.


“We should not do anything before January 20, 2017”, said Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, referring to the date when the next president will be sworn in.

“Chief Judge Garland and I had a productive discussion about his record and approach to the law, and it is clear to me that he is a well-qualified candidate for the Supreme Court”, he said in a press release. “But you also believe that you want to wait for the election”, Todd said. “For him to be here, it’s going to be a very special day”.

Still, the speech could be a sign the White House is preparing to use unorthodox tactics to break the GOP’s election-year Supreme Court blockade.

Occasionally, however, conservatives would slip from such messaging and revealthereal reason Republicans are trying to block any consideration of a Supreme Court nominee: partisan politics.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, blasted Republicans for trying to preserve the seat for Trump to fill.

Republicans remain resistant to considering Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court, but that didn’t stop the federal appeals court judge from submitting his completed questionnaire to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

The White House has moved ahead with the nomination process despite Republicans’ insistence they won’t act.

The Massachusetts Democrat will sit down with Garland for an afternoon talk Wednesday in Markey’s Washington office. After providing his basic biographical information, Garland briefly describes the ten most significant opinions he wrote while on the bench, as well as providing a comprehensive list of every opinion he ever wrote or joined. “If we get the majority, we will spend a lot of time listening to what the new president, President Clinton, has to say”. “I and my staff have begun reviewing Chief Judge Garlands materials, and I expect committee Republicans to do the same.”.


Severino, whom Democrats are growing more familiar with as her group bombs their states with TV ads, insisted that the party would regret it if it responded to a Clinton victory by rejecting the overtures about Garland and pushing for a new “dream” nominee.

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