
Testosterone therapy beneficial for aging men

To assess the safety and effectiveness of testosterone treatment, Bhasin and his colleagues enrolled 308 men older than 60 with testosterone levels in the low or low-normal range, or about what you’d expect in normally aging males.


A new study by health experts has found out that testosterone therapy can in fact help older men maintain a healthy heart.

A team of researchers from Kansas City VA Medical Centre has published a report in the European Heart Journal suggesting that testosterone replacement therapy for older men might be very beneficial in preventing heart attack and stroke when it is applied to moderate the levels each patient must have. The men reported having more energy, better mood and sex drive.

Study authors note this trial only looked at hardening of the arteries.

What’s more, Dr. Michelfelder said that men can raise their testosterone levels naturally by losing weight and performing muscle-building exercises.

According to UPI, this research comes on the heels of previous studies, all of which have questioned just how effective the hormone treatment actually is.

This study is more prone to catch the attention of people as this size is huge and has a follow-up as long as about 6 years or even more in some cases.

Similar differences were observed between Group 1 and the men in Group 2 – who received treatment but whose testosterone levels did not return to normal – but not to the same degree as between Groups 1 and 3. Only 63 percent of the men achieved normal testosterone levels with TRT, and that group had significant fewer deaths and cardiovascular events than the group that did not.

Bhasin said that the testosterone therapy benefits are clear for those men with extremely low testosterone because of pituitary or testicular issues.

The researchers stated that despite the latest revelations they have uncovered, the apparent benefits derived from testosterone treat to heart attack and stroke is yet to be fully understood.

Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a urology specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York Metropolis who was not concerned within the analysis, stated that testosterone dietary supplements might have a profit for males whose is decrease than that of the lads within the research – between 150 and 300 nanograms per deciliter. “The mechanisms for these results stay speculative”, they wrote. The team is certain that other biological factors could have affected the study, such as the body fat, level of insulin and other processes.


The findings of this recent study were contradictory to the FDA’s warnings, because they revealed that there were significant advantages that came from testosterone replacement therapy for men displaying low testosterone levels.

Testosterone supplements don't contribute to clogged arteries