
Texas Lawyer Files Lawsuit Over Whether Ted Cruz Can Be President

Presidential rival Donald Trump has repeatedly questioned Cruz’s presidential eligibility. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for being born in Canada, as well as his NY values comments. “Look, the truth is, he’s a nasty guy”.


“I don’t know that he’s a nice guy”, said Donald Trump, but he pointed out that he “checked the online polls and they have 200,000 or 300,00 people calling in and “I won every one of them”.

I won’t go into the long, convoluted constitutional controversy over what America’s founding fathers meant by “natural born” in relation to the English common law, much of which they incorporated by reference in our Constitution. “That’s a caricature, I would say, of a certain kind of Jew”. “In fact, the poll that just came out he saw was NBC/Wall Street Journal and the headline was Trump goes way up and Cruz goes way down”.

“Nobody likes him, no one in Congress likes him, nobody anywhere likes him once they get to know him”. He’s a very — he’s got an edge that’s not good. “You cant be tea party and at the same time support the ethanol mandate because it’s good politics in Iowa and support the sugar subsidies because it’s good politics in Florida”.

During a 45-minute speech, Trump left Cruz unscathed until the very end, when he mentioned the loans that Cruz received as a Senate candidate in 2012 but did not properly report to election authorities. How about his fundraising and how about when he does his personal financial disclosure form, and he doesn’t put on that he’s borrowing money from Goldman Sachs? “I’ll tell you what”.

Mike Gonzalez, who runs an influential network of pastors across the state and is helping Cruz, says he’s eyeing a scenario in which Trump fails to blow away the field in the first two states and evangelicals in SC make the state a death knell, even if not his Waterloo.

For his part, Cruz argued Saturday that Trump’s assault wasn’t commander-in-chief material.

Houston attorney Newton Schwartz, who said he isn’t connected to any campaign, filed the lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court in Texas. He has dismissed attacks on his eligibility and pointed out during a Republican candidates’ debate on Thursday that 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain and 1968 Republican candidate George Romney also were born outside the United States but still were considered eligible to be president.

Cruz supporter Carolyn Church of SC said she wasn’t among those booing Trump.


Cruz was conferred American citizenship at birth because his mother is an American citizen, and legal experts have largely agreed that would qualify him for natural-born citizenship. “I’d do the public a big favor”, Trump responded, but he would not say whether he’d actually file such a suit.

Cruz for president? Oh, Canada!