
Texas lawyer sues Cruz to challenge eligibility

The tycoon warns that if Cruz captures the Republican nomination, “he’s going to be immediately sued by the Democrats because they’re saying he was born in Canada, he’s not allowed to run for president”.


A veteran attorney in Ted Cruz’s hometown of Houston has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the Canadian-born senator’s eligibility to be president – hoping that the nation’s high court will settle the “birther” question that has grabbed attention during the Republican White House race. In U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), the most extensive discussion of the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, the Supreme Court affirmed her point that there are two paths to citizenship – birth and naturalization – and that birthright citizenship requires birth in territory under U.S. jurisdiction.

Cruz argues that because his mother is American, he became a USA citizen at birth.

In the suit, Schwartz writes, “It is undisputed, by all legal scholars, there is no U.S. Supreme Court decision or precedent: determinative of the following agreed facts of this case and controversy”.

Presidential candidates Trump and Cruz traded barbs on citizenship in Thursday’s debate. “But the poll numbers have”. But the question of precisely what the Constitution means has never been fully explored by the courts. Among them Donald Trump, whose mother was born in Europe. “Under longstanding USA law, the child of a US citizen overseas is a natural born citizen”.

“If I lose the suit that’s fine, he’s eligible, but if he’s elected and he’s determined to be ineligible after the election, that would cause massive confusion”, Schwartz, a self-described liberal, said. The 18th-century English jurist William Blackstone, the preeminent authority on it, declared natural-born citizens are “such as are born within the dominions of the crown of England”, while aliens are “such as are born out of it”. Cruz is a Harvard-trained lawyer and served as Texas’ solicitor general from 2003 to 2008, a job that required him to present legal arguments for the state before the U.S. Supreme Court.

From 1968 to 1970, I was a U.S. Army officer assigned in Dichtelbach, Germany.

I said so long before Trump declared for president, back when Cruz was still my guy – as lovingly captured on tape last April by the Obama birthers ( He also downplayed a recent New York Times article that reported he didn’t disclose $1 million in loans he took out to finance his 2012 U.S. Senate campaign, including a $500,000 loan from Goldman Sachs, his wife Heidi’s employer.


The former MA governor Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee in 2012, tweeted on Friday that Cruz was indeed a “natural-born citizen”. This would seem to make Mr. Cruz ineligible.

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