
Texas’ Lt. Governor Is Now Urging Massive Resistance To Trans Equality

“It is now inevitable that this transgender policy will be struck down”, they said in a statement, “whether it be through legal remedies or by the action of the Fort Worth ISD”.


Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R-Texas) is raising the stakes in the battle over bathrooms.

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced yesterday that he is requesting an opinion from his anti-transgender ally Attorney General Ken Paxton regarding Fort Worth ISD’s non-discriminatory bathroom policy, and also gave a strong hint that if the district doesn’t remove its policy, the legislature would do it for it. “Now that’s a violation of local control – when the president of the United States of America decides to get into every schoolhouse in the United States of America”, Patrick said Tuesday.

Patrick will discuss the policies during an 11 a.m. news conference Tuesday morning at the state capitol in Austin.

Supporters of transgender bathroom access argue the opposition is exaggerating the potential complications and that the issue is about combating discrimination aimed at transgender students. Patrick called the forums “sham hearings” since the district has said it has no intention of repealing the guidelines.

Like many other Republicans across the country, Patrick says the privacy and safety of students are put at risk by letting transgender people use the bathroom that matches their gender identity.

“When we have a rogue, runaway superintendent, and a rogue, runaway school board, then the Legislature this upcoming session is going to have to look at this issue”, said Patrick.

Amber Briggle says she fears for her son’s future if this goes through.

Calling Kent Scribner a “rogue, runaway superintendent”, Patrick accused him of breaking the law by adopting the policy without sufficient public comment and without a board vote. However, following his press conference on Tuesday, Equality Texas along with parents of transgender children gathered outside on the steps of the Capitol, saying that Patrick is hurting their kids.

Patrick said that school districts in Texas also need not worry about the possibility of losing federal funding over the transgender issue as it will be tied up in court for a lengthy amount of time. “I was born and raised here and this is the state I love and it should be protecting me and my child”, Elder said. When they requested to meet with Patrick, they were told he was not there but could schedule a meeting with him at a later date.


“I’m proud of these guidelines”, Scribner told the press after the policies were made public.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick suggests that the state may have to step in if public school districts allow students to use bathrooms of the gender with which they primarily identify