
Texas’s Campus Carry Law Has Gone Into Effect

Antonia Okafor, who plans to carry at the UT Dallas campus next year, says nothing could be farther from the truth. But the law’s debut coincides with the anniversary of one of the state’s worst mass shootings.


The University of Texas unsuccessfully lobbied against the law, which was pushed through by Republican Gov. Gregg Abbott and a majority in the Republican-led state Legislature.

Though University of Texas President Gregory Fenves was named as a defendant in the lawsuit, he’s spoken publicly about his opposition to guns on college campuses.

Despite heated rhetoric on both sides of the debate, officials really do not know what to expect from the new law.

Private universities can still ban guns under state law. “How many parents do you think are thrilled to suddenly know that the campus where their child sleeps, eats, and does everything else now has the possibility of guns on it?”

The law was first introduces by the USA first for “mass shooting” at earlier it was signed in Texas 1995 allowed students to carry weapons on campus sidewalks, streets and parking lots those possess hidden license. In 2014, five states introduced legislation to prohibit campus carry, none of which passed, and 14 states introduced legislation to allow concealed carry on campus.

Private institutions can opt out of campus carry.

“We did a lot of research into this and the other states who have gone through this transition, there really haven’t been any issues”, said Micheal Knox, the VP of Student Affairs.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesdaycalled a lawsuit brought by three University of Texas at Austin professors against the state’s campus carry law “frivolous” and said the professors have no valid reasons for opposing guns on campus.

University leaders sought to calm fears. “I empathize with the many faculty members, staffers, students and parents of students who signed petitions, sent emails and letters, and organized to ban guns from campus and especially classrooms”.

The memorial ceremony wasn’t about the new law, attendees said. “I don’t think it does in public places, and I don’t think it will in universities”.

Many faculty, though, still have strong feelings against the law. Most of campus, like the University of Houston, is open to concealed weapons.

The law, which makes the carrying of concealed handguns legal on public university campuses in Texas, went into effect Monday. “Why not give them that opportunity when it’s also their safety?”

Otherwise Monday, nothing seemingly had changed at UH’s main campus.


He added that people can also store their weapons in an appropriate gun safe in their vehicle.

Under New Law Texas Allows Guns in Classrooms