
Texomans Say “Thank You” to Veterans

It was not until later, after World War II, that Armistice Day became Veterans Day.


On Veterans Day, we pause from the distractions of daily life to consider the important work of all who wear the uniforms of our military.

Those who serve say there is no greater honor than to be part of the brotherhood the military provides.

“Today really gave me more insight on who our Veterans are and what they sacrificed and it was just really nice to get the chance to talk to them”, Sumter High senior Ian Martin said.

“I’m proud to be here every year”, he said.

Hundreds of students and veterans gathered at NorthWood Middle School in Wakarusa Wednesday morning.

“We can’t do that to our men and women”.

History teacher Greg Schoenstein, who had served in the army from 1993 to 1999, said, “It is good to have a day to call attention to the sacrifices the soldiers made so that we can enjoy the life we have”. Do you have a favorite quote that honors veterans that you would like to share?

Sgt. Javorina’s family stood behind him, just as they did all those years ago when he was in Vietnam.

“The way we care for our veterans is a reflection of our society”, states Joe Sestak, retired U.S. Navy vice admiral and former politician.

Let us never forget what happened on the eleventh month at the eleventh hour in 1918. Because of the conflict over the Vietnam War, they were shunned by a few and ignored by many others.

The U.S Department of Veterans Affairs estimates more than 250 thousand Vietnam vets live in Georgia.

Veterans Day is an opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to the current and former members of America’s armed forces. Still, after all these years, the meaning of his service and of Veterans Day is not lost and that’s why he was there.


“I love to see all this stuff, it makes my hair stand-up and I don’t have that much hair”, Fisk said.

U.S. marine holding American flag Veterans Day