
Text of the apology from USA swimmer Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte and fellow United States swimmers Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen last week claimed they were robbed at gunpoint, which drew huge media attention and raised concerns over the Games’ security which had always been criticized, reports Xinhua news agency.


James Feigen (top L), Ryan Lochte (top R) Gunnar Bentz (bottom L) and Jack Conger, the swimmers who were involved in the incident.

“The commission members can ask to hear the swimmers and we will see if there is material for a sanction”.

Instead, authorities said, gold medalist Ryan Lochte and his teammates vandalized the bathroom at this gas station outside Rio after a night of drinking. The security police pulled a gun on the swimmers to ensure they wouldn’t leave the scene, authorities said. The interview will air during primetime Olympic coverage, NBC said, and will continue Monday on NBC’s “TODAY” show.

The swimmers flew home on Thursday after a local crowd jeered them, calling them “liars” and “fakes”.

American swimmer Ryan Lochte has apologised for giving a misleading account of a late-night incident at Rio 2016.

“We just wanted to get out of there”, Lochte said.

USA swimmer Ryan Lochte apologized Friday for his behavior on Sunday in Rio de Janeiro, where he and three other American swimmers were seen on video at a gas station apparently vandalizing the place.

“It’s how you want to make it look like”, Lochte told Lauer.

Lochte earlier said the men were robbed at gunpoint.

A lawyer for Feigen said that his client had reached an agreement with a Brazilian judge to donate $10,800 to an “institution” and leave the country later Friday, with his passport restored.

Lochte tweeted his apology and said he was sorry for his “role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics”. “We were all frightened”.

Lochte issued an apology on Friday and Feigen agreed to pay 35,000 reais ($11,000) to a charity.

Cops quickly saw through Lochte and three United States swimming teammates’ claims about being attacked at a petrol station last weekend.


Fernando Deluz, a 38-year-old disc jockey, also said that Americans chose to pay for property they destroyed to avoid calling police.

Ryan Lochte says'immature behavior got him into a mess