
Texts Could Prove His Accuser Wanted To ‘Set Him Up’

We are finding out more about Baylee Curran and what could have really happened the day she accused singer Chris Brown of pointing a gun at her after he kicked her out of his Los Angeles home.


Geragos insisted that no guns or drugs were found in the singer’s home after a search by police, nor was any jewelry matching the description of the bauble Curran claimed she was admiring when ordered out of the house.

Chris Brown’s lawyer says police found no gun at pop star’s home was posted in Entertainment of TheNews International – on September 03, 2016 and was last updated on September 03, 2016. “The allegations against him are demonstrably false”, Brown’s lawyer Mark Geragos said in a Twitter statement late Tuesday. Following his arrest for suspicion of assault of a deadly weapon, Brown was released on bail for $250,000.

Brown, 27, was arrested Tuesday after a woman called police for help at his Los Angeles home.

“I don’t know if it’s his friends who kind of triggered Chris, but he said don’t go near the diamonds”, Curran said “He started calling me names saying go back outside get the f-outside”.

“He was threatening me with the gun, in my face”, she said.

During an interview with the New York Daily News that took place through text messaging, Baylee Curran said she has “never been obsessed with him” or had any romantic feelings for Brown. “Given his history, I think that was the prudent thing to do”, he said.

“That’s my boy. I watched him come up, a lot of the s–t he go threw [sic] is insane to me”.

Curran “got irate when she was asked to leave because she was acting in an erratic manner”, Geragos said during the conference, according to Us Magazine. TMZ reached out to Safari who said Baylee stole his Rolex past year and he hasn’t spoken to her since.

“Nothing happened. This was a setup”, he said.


“I do recall him taking it from his side”, she added, “so I don’t now if he was already strapped with it”.

Chris Brown's accuser allegedly sent text message about setting him up