
TGS 2015: Yakuza Remake And Yakuza 6 Revealed

More specifically, one remake plus a new sequel. The said remake would be available within Japan’s market on January 21, 2016. This is to mark the tenth anniversary of the series.


Only time will tell if these games make it to our shores.

Sega also announced that Yakuza 6 will also be making its way to Japan in 2016 too.


It was not a surprise when Sega announced that they are working on Yakuza 6, the next entry in the open world action-adventure game with a twist of role playing elements. The game will include a limited demo download code for Yakuza 6, which will only be compatible with PlayStation 4. However, it was interesting to hear them announce that the game will continue to be a PlayStation 4 exclusive. No gameplay was shown yet, but it should look cool. Hopefully it’ll head on over eventually as the Yakuza series gains more traction. Given we’re just now getting Yakuza 5 in Europe, we may have to wait on this one.

Yakuza 1 Remake and Yakuza 6 Announced			 0					By		Sophia Edwards