
Thanksgiving gas prices lowest in 7 years

Thanksgiving travelers driving will pay less for gas than they have in years. “And since it’s so cheap to drive, we are going to rent a vehicle to go up to Red River”. Prices may start rising this afternoon, said Patrick DeHaan, a analyst.


In West Michigan, Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller says it’s business as usual, and he is working closely with Kalamazoo-Battle Creek International Airport to make sure things are safe. The staff at the Skycrest Restaurant, located inside the lodge, will also serve a large, Thanksgiving dinner buffet Thursday, Bariola said.

“Sometimes I fly, and I wanted no part of that”, Goff said.

They predict about 1.3 million North Carolinians are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home during the Thanksgiving holiday and about 90 percent of those travelers will drive.

More than 47 million Americans will travel this Thanksgiving.

The price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline remains at $1.99 Tuesday, signs at Willmar gas stations SuperAmerica on South First Street and Holiday on Litchfield Avenue Southwest indicate.

“There are a lot of cars out on the highway right now”, she said.

He says it has to do with the supply and demand. The lowest price in Omaha was $1.79. They spend less at the pump and more in our stores.

WEATHER: Dreaming of a white Thanksgiving?

Cheap gas and an improving economy are leading to more people driving.

Lower oil prices contributed to layoffs in the oil and gas fields, pushing up the Texas unemployment rate in October to 4.4 percent.

Colorado fuel costs have higher combined federal and state gas taxes but remain well below the national average, Laskoski said. Just type in your city or zip code to see a map with the prices around you. “You can’t just say it’s not going to happen”.

“2008 was the last time we’ve seen this level of gas prices, this time of year, for this extended period of time”, say Clay Ingram, with AAA Alabama. Plus, customers are more likely to buy other items. “We’re loving it, too”.


But what’s good for consumers is not necessarily good for the oil and gas industry, which is losing jobs throughout oil producing states, including Colorado. Daily vehicle rental rates will average $60, 8 percent higher than last Thanksgiving.

Today is one of the Busiest Travel Days of the Year