
Thanksgiving to cost more this year

Take the product of that and multiply it by the number of children likely to overhear the offensive jokes. Wine, for example, provides about four standard glasses per bottle. Buy that many pies. All that you will accomplish is contaminating your entire kitchen counter with watery raw turkey germs and bacteria – a Thanksgiving recipe for disaster!


But it’s just one more thing. Start by making a list of everyone coming to dinner. Heck, pig out all you want, you have the day after to relax and have that bellyache.

Each year, the turkey comes from a different farm. You’ll probably overcook it while being annoyed and distracted by guests. Don’t forget there is more to Thanksgiving leftovers than sandwiches. Wal-Mart is selling asparagus for about 9 percent less than previous year and 3-pound bags of sweet potatoes are going for 85 cents less. For larger birds, a bit less is fine; they have a higher meat-to-bone ratio.

“I’m so sick of just hearing, ‘It’s Turkey Day – how big is your turkey?’ and, ‘We’re going to eat turkey, ‘ ” said sanctuary founder Mindy Mallett. Let the turkey brine overnight in the refrigerator for at least eight hours. Add salt and sugar until they dissolve.

There is no hard and fast amount, so feel free to add anything that might go well. Then submerge the wrapped turkey in cold tap water.

Roast the turkey. Boil broth from the bones. For a longer one, consider backing down to 3/4 cup each.

How big should your turkey be? In the past, the turkeys have even went to Disney World and Disneyland. This year’s survey totaled over $50 for the first time. Place the turkey in a container to prevent the juices from dripping on other foods and make sure that your fridge thermometer reads 40 degrees F or below. Cover the breast loosely with foil.

Do I cook the stuffing inside of the turkey? Allow turkey to rest for 30 minutes.

None of the 12 Sunrise Sanctuary turkeys will be among the estimated 46 million birds consumed in the United States on Thanksgiving. “If that weren’t the case, you might be paying $50 to $60 for a Thanksgiving turkey”, White said.

Why aren’t retail turkeys more expensive?

You really don’t need to think about this too much. Onions, celery, carrots, garlic, herbs and peppercorns are a few of his favorites.

Add a whole bottle of rubbed Sage to the mix and garlic salt and pepper to taste… if to dry add some chicken stock…

Enriched Brown & Serve Rolls 12 oz./12 per pkg. I find the easiest way to do it is to butterfly it, to spatchcock the bird.

Are you lucky enough to be blessed with two ovens? Here’s how to make the most of the extra roasting space. One likely culprit? Mr. Turkey.

Remove turkey from oven and tent with foil.

Heat the oven to 325 F. Set a rack in the lower third of the oven.

For food safety reasons, it’s recommended to cook the stuffing in a separate casserole dish.


“People will bring desserts, baked goods, pies”. They were evaluated and selected by National Turkey Federation Chairman Jihad Douglas, and Foster Farms turkey grower and third generation turkey farmer, Joe Hedden.

No crowd: A Thanksgiving roast turkey breast can hit the spot