
That Moment That Siri Saves Your Life

So there you have it. Apple is always adding to Siri’s abilities as it seeks to improve the intelligent personal assistant, but can now claim the app is a legitimate life-saver.


Quick-thinking Sam felt the Siri assistant activate on his iPhone as he struggled to free himself and quickly yelled “Call 911!”

Sam Ray, 18, said the voice recognition service on his iPhone – famously named Siri – called emergency dispatchers after his truck fell on him while he tried to make repairs.

At first dispatcher Christina Lee who received the call thought it was a mistaken pocket dial, however when Ray started screaming down the phone she new it was a genuine emergency.

Ray tells media retailers that a jack collapsed, pinning him underneath nearly 5,000 kilos (2,270 kilograms) of metallic in a location the place he couldn’t be simply seen or heard.

‘I didn’t know if she could hear me or not, but I heard her say that help was just around the corner, ‘ Ray said. “It got pretty close”, Lee said.

Ray was trapped under the truck for 40 minutes, and suffered broken ribs, a bruised kidney, cuts and a concussion.

“I could feel myself slipping, ” he said.


After the terryfiying ordeal Ray said he will remain loyal to Apple as the iPhone saved his life.

Teenager trapped under truck is saved by Siri