
The 6th Democratic Presidential Debate In 100 Words (And 3 Videos)

Just 48 hours after his landslide win in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders was in Milwaukee, Wis., reminding everyone how far he had come in his quest for the presidency – and perhaps realizing how far he still has to go.


Sanders portrayed himself as an Obama ally in the Senate and the successor to the Obama movement for change. But if you can tell me how President Clinton would provide coverage to the 11 percent of Americans who don’t have it right now, I’ll send you one American dollar (and update this article).

“Well, it ain’t Henry Kissinger, that’s for sure”, Sanders responded.

Even so, the restrained exchange on Thursday was unlikely to change the trajectory of a race that has intensified dramatically over two weeks. “That’s the job and [Hillary Clinton is] the one who’s proven she can get it done”. “That’s a promise that can not be kept”.

The debate was the first time the rivals met since Sanders won the New Hampshire primary in a 20 point victory on Tuesday.

“I can’t imagine my dad…”, Jeb Bush said, trailing off as the audience laughed, imagining the former president cursing. The Vermont senator can not match Hillary’s experience, she served as Secretary of State from 2009 until 2013, but he does have a voting record stretching back to 1991, when Sanders served in the House of Representatives, to give some hints about how he’d handle foreign relations. “We have today a campaign finance system which is corrupt, which is undermining American democracy, which allows Wall Street and billionaires to pour huge sums of money into the political process to elect the candidates of their choice”.

She didn’t mention Thursday the $153 million that she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, earned in speakers’ fees from 2001 through previous year, an average of $210,795 per speech, a CNN analysis showed. “She thinks that Bernie is authentic and Hillary is fake, because she always travels with a big entourage”, said Vana Rizos, her mother.

Sanders also called for overhauls in sentencing, and a “radical reform” of a system that he said has turned into a vicious circle that disproportionately cycles African-American males in and out of jail.

A 2003 report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics said, “About 1 in 3 black males, 1 in 6 Hispanic males, and 1 in 17 white males are expected to go to prison during their lifetime, if current incarceration rates remain unchanged”.

Like any rule, it is made to be broken.

Clinton criticized what she called “systemic racism” in education, housing and employment. It was Sanders’ idealism soaring and Clinton’s realism bringing it to earth. I myself assumed that, given Clinton’s vaunted command of practical detail and real-world strategy, she must have released some detailed policy plan on the subject-a practical road map. Both states have almost all-white populations.

And she hit Sanders for calling the president weak and a disappointment, describing it as the kind of criticism “I expect from Republicans”.

Here & Now’s Robin Young speaks with political scientist Julia Azari about how superdelegates are different than delegates and what impact they may have on the Democratic primary.

The comments came as Clinton and Sanders argued over how effective the Obama administration’s immigration reform efforts have been.

“Look, I think that she’s been saying that for as long as I’ve known her, which is about 25 years”.

Madeleine Albright said Friday that her controversial comment was “undiplomatic”.

Now, I find it rather unbelievable because I happen to believe that Henry Kissinger was one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country.


I’m very proud of the fact that we have more than 750,000 donors, and the vast majority of them are giving small contributions….

The 6th Democratic Presidential Debate In 100 Words (And 3 Videos)