
The Absolute Worst Colleges For LGBT Students

The Lancaster-based private Christian college is among 102 campuses identified by the group as “The Absolute Worst Campuses for LGBTQ Youth”. At that time, the campuses applying for these discriminatory waivers did so privately, Campus Pride says. “This top 30 list showcases those top campuses leading the way”.


Spring Arbor University of Spring Arbor, just outside Jackson, also made the list.

Spring Arbor University, located about 10 miles southwest of Jackson, qualified for the list due to its Title IX exemption, according to the list. Title IX is a civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. Additionally, UNW believes that we are created by God in his image as two distinct sexes – male and female – and believes that each person glorifies God and affirms His infinite holiness and wisdom by living in alignment with his or her birth sex. In recent years, the colleges have implemented policies about gender-inclusive housing selection, allowing transgender students to select housing based on their gender identity, and preferred gender pronoun usage through the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Student Life.

If the school explicitly states in its official publications that it is controlled by a religious organization committed to the teachings of a particular religion, and it receives significant financial support from the controlling religious organization.

Andrews University is run by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, and the list claims it has a history of anti-LGBT policies and practices.

The Shame List was first published online December 1, 2015 as a way to highlight 57 campuses who had received or requested Title IX exemptions to freely and openly discriminate against LGBTQ youth. These schools “have chosen to openly discriminate against LGBTQ youth and have requested Title IX exemptions to perpetuate the harms of religion-based bigotry”. It was not public information.

Lancaster Bible College made the “Shame List” released by Campus Pride, a national educational organization for LGBTQ students.

This is the first-time Campus Pride has released a listing of the worst anti-LGBTQ campuses across the country.


“Most people are shocked when they learn that there are college campuses still today that openly discriminate against LGBTQ youth”. “All families and youth deserve to know this information – and so do corporations who do business with these campuses – from those who hire and recruit, vendors who contract food service, sell books, make donations and in any other way provides goods or services to a college or university”.