
The Aliens Are Silent Because They’re Dead

If aliens are out there, they may all be dead.


Habitable planets might be pretty common, and primitive life might find a way to come into existence pretty easily on many of those worlds.

“The universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens”, Chopra said in a press release. Most planetary environments are unstable. One prerequisite for the evolution of life forms is to regulate greenhouse gases.

All you have to do is look up at the night sky to see how many stars are out there, many with Earth-like worlds orbiting the star. Life will often not be fortunate enough to win the race against environmental fluctuations to become a stabilizing factor.

“Our search for life beyond Earth may be thwarted by the short timescales over which planets may remain inhabited”, the authors write. This enticing possibility of alien life has stirred imagination and scientific research beyond all expectations. This is another hurdle so far against life from achieving a foothold.

“Most early planetary environments are unstable”, Chopra added.

The alleged fact that alien life may be extinct due to rapid climate change may be extensively viable if we take into account how no signs of alien life have been discovered up to this point.

There are an incalculable number of stars in the universe and the number of planets able to sustain life equally uncountable. But lo, Jody Foster couldn’t find any back in 1997, and today, nearly 20 years later, we’re still searching.

That’s important, because when Earth was just forming, the Sun was up to 25 percent less luminous than it is now, but all the evidence points to the oceans being liquid, or at least not completely frozen. This research underscores the uncertainty. With all the stars and planets in our galaxy and all the water and prebiotic chemicals that are known to exist, there must be other intelligent lifeforms. But – there’s still no sign of them.

The emergence of new life on a planet would disrupt the climate, making it completely unsuitable again for life, said the researchers. This resulted in the early demise of the organisms before they had the chance of evolving into sentient life. In order to pass from the conclusion that planets which are really Earth-like are rare to the conclusion that it is the reason why we don’t perceive advanced aliens, we need the step in which we prove that any advanced aliens must evolve in the Earthlike setting. Humanity has inadvertently created a new bottleneck – let’s call it the “Industrial Bottleneck” – by causing irreversible changes to our delicate biosphere. Now, we’re seeing rapid impacts on our civilization as balance in our climate is knocked off-kilter by the inexorable rise of greenhouse gases from industrial process and energy needs.


Scientists wondering why we haven’t yet found life on other planets think they have the answer: we’re too late.

The aliens are silent because they're dead