
‘The Bachelorette’: Chase McNary Explains His Angry Reaction to Getting Eliminated

The Bachelorette finale followed by the After The Final Rose special will air on ABC on Monday.


You may or may not remember contestant Vinny Ventiera this season.

“To learn to love again and then have it end in such a shocking way, it was hard”, the war veteran said. He came out strong, picking fights with the crowd of seething suitors as quickly and frequently as possible. I remember the night when I sent Luke home, I was very emotional going into it and just as emotional leaving that night.

On a side note, although he’s a misogynist, Chad isn’t wrong that nearly everyone involved with “The Bachelor” franchise is probably there to get famous. We’re starting to be afraid to even say “I-ay ove-lay ou-yay”, like “Voldemort” or “Beetlejuice”.

“Both extremely good-looking, but besides that they are great guys”, the real estate developer continued. The entire “Men Tell All” was basically “The Chad Johnson Show”. This week you get a double whammy of drama. Chad asked, never dropping his look of amused contentment.

However, he concluded, “I do think you’re wrong…my heart is still open for you”.

After defusing the potential confrontation with Nick, Chad ran through a number of questions regarding his behavior on the show.

It’s a response that he came to regret, he explained. As a result, Jordan Rodgers could be the man after JoJo Fletcher’s heart. ‘But I wish him well in the competition’. “It didn’t work”, Chad recounted. The petty alpha-male exited his make-up trailer in the parking lot of the ABC studios to join the season’s cast for a tense reunion show. Then, before getting in the limo, he apologizes to her. She loves the show as much as us!

While Robby made a big pronouncement, he didn’t get much of a date.

For Fletcher’s final two contestants, Hayes and Rodgers, Johnson had parting shots. Unfortunately, however, that proclamation made JoJo realize she needed to let Chase go.

PHOTOS: “The Bachelor” & “The Bachelorette” Romance Check!

You know the classic love story: Boy meets girl, girl meets 25 boys, girl falls in love with two out of the three final boys, and she lives happily ever. confused? Because he loves this.

Tonight: The men assemble to tell tales and confront each other, resurrect old grudges and posture in the television audience’s general direction.


“I think my face said it all”, he tells The Hollywood Reporter about the devastating moment. “Even just after saying goodbye you guys have all been just upstanding men”.

Chad Johnson on The Bachelorette wearing grey t shirt