
The ‘Batman v Superman’ Honest Trailer is here and it’s gloriously brutal

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Ultimate Cut” is available on 4K UltraHD Blu-ray, 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray and DVD at Australian retailers from today. Marvel Comics fanatics were quick to point out all of the things the film did wrong.


With the tagline, “Fans v Batman v Superman v critics v other fans v executives v Zack Snyder v expectations”, the team over at Screen Junkies gives a ideal summary of why many felt Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was disappointing.

Clark Kent’s (Cavill) own investigation of Batman are also fleshed out in this edition, as the repercussions of Caped Crusader’s vigilante style of justice is seen through the eyes of a luckless criminal and his grieving family.

In addition to the video-on-demand premiere of atman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice’, Hungama Play offers exciting behind-the-scenes videos from the movie that takes the audience into the lives of the superheroes of the Justice League for the first time. And one is kept waiting for two hours to see them in action. However, get prepared for them to blast on everything else including the Martha sequence, writer David S. Goyer saying that Batman fighting Superman is where you go when you’ve exhausted all possibilities, Zack Snyder talking about how he wanted a version where Batman gets raped in prison, brooding Superman, Batman being a murderer, and how Warner trying to cram everything in one movie.


The team does talk about the positives like Batman’s fight scenes against goons.

Stand between 'Batman v Superman' in our latest Blu-ray giveaway