
The Big Bang Theory Tonight: “The Platonic Permutation” with Elon Musk

But when they went out on their second date and Dave found out that Amy used to be with Sheldon, the gangly British suitor was revealed to be a big fan of the socially awkward theoretical physicist and he couldn’t stop asking Amy about Sheldon throughout their date. Plus, it’s one of those Howard plots that exposes just how frightful he is and expects the audience to laugh along.


Penny and Leonard decide to have Thanksgiving together, their first as husband and wife. After Leonard correctly puts the code in, he realizes that Penny doesn’t know what his birthday is. It’s fun and playful up until the point that Leonard reveals a fact about Penny-that she doesn’t like the orange lingerie he bought her-that he couldn’t possibly have known because she only ever wrote it in her diary. He offers to let Penny take a “shame photo” and post it online, but Penny doesn’t want anyone (including herself) to see Leonard in lingerie.

At the aquarium, Sheldon gets upset that they gave a baby a pilgrim hat instead of him, to which Amy replies that it wouldn’t be a holiday without Sheldon getting upset over a baby. It’s an unfunny climax; putting a man in woman’s clothing isn’t a punchline, and it’s a disappointing end to a story that otherwise started out with a few real tension.

New Big Bang Theory season 9, episode 10 official spoilers, synopsis released by CBS. That’s evident in the early-episode switch in the story. He said that after beating around the bush, for so long, they felt that the time is right for them to take their relationship to the next level.

Jim Parsons stars as Sheldon and Mayim Bialik as Amy on “The Big Bang Theory”, TV’s top-rated sitcom.

It makes the final part of the episode all the more heartbreaking. Sheldon had that ring handy right when Amy said she needed time alone. Sheldon comes in and tries to convince one of his friends to join him in his annual tradition of going to the aquarium cafeteria for Thanksgiving.

Now, it seems that fate has brought Sheldon and Amy together again and this time they’ll finally get to do it. Tears well up in Amy’s eyes as she accepts his decision while also regretting her previous one. Recent episodes have seen Sheldon attempting to woo Amy back, despite her pleas for space.


But chatting with the eternally clueless Sheldon about fish turns out to inspire a change of heart in Amy.

Sheldon, Amy make their own Big Bang