
The Clock’s Ticking On A Free Windows 10 Upgrade

I got an email from a reader last week asking my thoughts on Windows 10 and if a program like LapLink’s PCMover would be a good way to move data, including programs, from an old Windows 7 computer to a new Windows 10 PC.


The Anniversary Update will be released on August 2 and it will roll out to all users who upgraded to Windows 10 since July 29.

Addressing the issue with PC World, a spokesperson for Microsoft said: “Cortana works best when you sign in, but if you choose not to, you can still use her to chat, search the web and your Windows device”.

Legacy operating systems will eventually stop receiving updates, and after a bit more time, they will cease getting support from Microsoft altogether. You might be glad you did.

However, the new Windows 10 update is not the only needed piece for the Surface Pro 5. Microsoft has been very (I’d say, overly) pushy about trying to get users to take the free update – so pushy that there are two more suits against the company over this that are seeking class-action status, as reported by The Seattle Times.

Windows Tips – this one is pretty self-explanatory; it displays tips on how to navigate and perform certain functions within Windows 10.

July 29th is your last chance to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 for free.

To date, around 300 million devices worldwide have upgraded to, or are using, Windows 10. You also must be running Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Desktop and notebook users never have to see full screen apps from the Windows Store or the Start Screen. After tomorrow, your free upgrade opportunity will disappear, and then if you want to get Windows 10, you’ll have to actually pay some money.

Love it or hate it, Windows 10 is here nonetheless, and those who don’t want to be charged to upgrade – Windows 10 Home costs around $100 through various online retailers – should probably click that little Windows button down in the system tray sooner rather than later. As far as the standard Windows 10 Education SKU is concerned, it will continue to be available.


And, on August 2 Microsoft will launch the Windows 10 Anniversary Update that is supposed to address numerous problems and concerns the current version of Windows 10 has. Meanwhile, Windows 10 Pro will set you back $199 or £130.

Windows 10