
The Daily Mail has published some shocking allegations about the Prime Minister

A book has claimed that British Prime Minister David Cameron once put his ‘private part’ into a dead pig’s mouth during a ritual. The pig’s head, he claimed, had been resting on the lap of a Piers Gaveston society member while Cameron performed the act.


Sources close to the Prime Minister said they “do not recognise” the sensational allegations in a book by former Tory treasurer Lord Ashcroft after the pair reportedly fell out.

The claims relating to his alleged youthful excesses are in a book entitled Call Me Dave by billionaire peer Lord Ashcroft and journalist Isabel Oakeshott, serialised in the Daily Mail.

The Daily Mail has begun publishing excerpts from an “unauthorized biography” of Cameron, authored by a rival from within his own Conservative Party.

He claims that Mr Cameron was part of a “dope smoking group” with friends while he studied at Oxford.

It comes during a continuing feud between the pair, who are said to have fallen out after Lord Ashcroft was passed over for a leading role in the coalition government. The authors admit that it could be “a case of mistaken identity”, though there have been many accounts of pig’s heads being present at “debauched parties” during Cameron’s time at Oxford.

It didn’t even get featured in the summary of the briefing, which said: “The Prime Minister’s Official Spokesperson answered questions about the Trade Union Bill, EU reform, the independence referendum and Syria”. Sources state that after Ashcroft had written this book to fire back on Cameron after he broke his promise of offering a job to Ashcroft after he came to power.

Cameron was the butt of jokes on Twitter after the revelation.

In 2005, after he was confirmed as the Tory leadership favourite, Mr Cameron said he had not taken cocaine since becoming an MP.


Other allegations – as if you need any others beyond the pig – are that Cameron has been in societies around lots of sex and drug-taking, and that he smoked weed with James Delingpole, a climate-change denier who writes for Breitbart. Cameron has previously refused to comment on similar claims about his activities while at university. People have taken to social media using the #piggate hashtag, insisting that something done during university years does not affect the person’s (possible lack of) ability to rule today.

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