
The DNC email leak

Many supporters of Ms. Wasserman Schultz, however, shouted back at the critics, loudly cheering during her speech.


Just days earlier, leaked emails proved that the Democratic National Committee, which Schultz chaired, had been biased in favor of Clinton – and against Sanders – all through the primary elections.

Opponents held signs saying “Emails” and similar things. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to engage in contest fixing? When Mitt Romney called Russian Federation “our number one geopolitical foe”, Barack Obama openly mocked him for it. Clinton and the DNC could be paying a political price for Obama’s arrogance. Al Franken (D-Minn.) reprised his former career as a comedian to skewer Republican nominee Donald Trump. Now, it looks like Democrats will have the same struggle through the course of the week. “Wanted to ask you about this fight between the Sanders camp and DNC over adequate representation on the platform committee and others ahead of the convention”, Phillip wrote to Brazile.

“Make no mistake. We have made history”, Sanders told the crowd, stressing that their progress would be lost if Clinton doesn’t win.

“What if it had been a fair primary and Bernie had lost fairly or won fairly and the DNC would have been ok with that”. She didn’t gavel in the convention, and she says she will resign after this week’s events. “I will be voting for Senator Bernie Sanders because that is what I was sent down here to do”.

For Clinton delegates, however, it’s time to move on. “I think, the allegations, the e-mails, the insensitivity, the stupidity needs to be addressed”. If you want the Debbie Wasserman Schultz types out of office, you have to get involved, you have to support candidates like Tim Canova, because that’s the only way we’re ever going to really change the system and change the Democratic Party.

On Sunday, around 1,000 Bernie Sanders supporters marched through the streets of Philadelphia calling for Clinton’s ouster.

Even if staffers under Wasserman Schultz were responsible for much of the problem, she is the lightning rod who will get the attention.

Republican Party of Kentucky spokesman Tres Watson said in a statement that “Marshall was somehow able to simultaneously mock and insult Southern Baptists, Jews and Atheists” in one email.


This is a developing story that will be updated through the afternoon.

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