
The Donald trumps new poll of GOP presidential candidates

“Trump’s backing has climbed 6 points since a late-June poll, while support for Bush and Walker has not changed significantly”, CNN reports.


The polls were conducted July 14-21, which is before and after he made comments that sparked outrage among many Americans. “I am Presbyterian. And I go to church and I love God and I love my church”, he said.

A just released CNN poll finds Sanders out-polling all of the GOP’s major candidates, though pretty much tied with Jeb Bush. Bernie Sanders’ Democratic campaign. “It’s the Republican Party”.

Priebus also noted that with 16 Republican candidates vying for the party’s nomination – including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie – polls are going to fluctuate.

The poll found that just 30 percent of registered voters say they feel their views are being represented by lawmakers on Capitol Hill, compared to 40 percent who say Washington does not represent their views at all.

Republican consultant Reed Galen said candidates may have a better chance to introduce themselves to voters in the less-crowded second-tier debate than competing with Trump and the other contenders in the main debate. Along the way, he disparaged John McCain’s war record, while suggesting that U.S. military prisoners of war are chumps for having been captured in the first place. “I think it would be very bad in terms of beating the Democrats”, Trump said.

“We have got to remember what Ronald Reagan taught us, his 11th commandment, “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican“, Spicer added. “These are great people and they want to see this country turned around”.

Only the top 10 candidates will be allowed to participate in this election cycle’s first Republican prime-time presidential debate, scheduled for next month.

However, when you look deeper into the results and break them down by party; GOP supporters are strongly in favor of deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants.


He shared, “There is a movement going on”. This is more than me. “People are exhausted of these incompetent politicians in Washington that can’t get anything done”. He also has enough of his own money to fund his campaign without contributions and political action committee support, meaning that he could theoretically stay in the race until the end of the primary season.

Donald Trump