
The entire Donald Trump family tree, in one graphic

Ivanka Trump said her father never meant anything anti-Semitic when he tweeted what many thought was a Star of David.


One of Donald Trump’s youngest children finally stepped into the spotlight on Tuesday by speaking in support of her father, now one of the most famous men in the world, at the Republican National Convention.

But last night on the insane train offered one glimpse of hope: When Ted Cruz went rogue, cameras caught a clearly furious Ivanka in an ugly snarl worn so often by her father and jabbing an accusatory finger, again, just like Dad.

Also like her father, Ivanka is a published author as of October of 2009, which is when her debut book, The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life, was published.

“They meet a man with natural charm and no facade”, she said. We all know who Donald Trump is, of course, but what about Eric Trump or tonight’s speaker, Tiffany Trump? If you see Trump as a charlatan, you’re not going to be won over by Donald Jr., who owes his name, his livelihood and his fame to his father.

After a week in which Republicans largely focused on Clinton’s deficiencies rather than on Trump’s attributes and personal story, Ivanka Trump offered a new window into the Republican nominee.

She’s also followed her father’s footsteps and appeared on TV shows, most notably on her father’s reality show, The Apprentice 6.

This is perhaps more typically a Democratic talking point, but as she noted at the beginning of her speech: “Like many of my fellow millennials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat”. We don’t do anything except play with each other, hang out with one another, go on walks together.

Her restrained style, natural elegance, upper-crust diction and media savvy all qualify her as “classy” by any definition, not just the ostentatious grotesquery of gold-plated sinks in private jets draped with supermodels implied when her father utters the word.

Monday night, Melania Trump delivered what was, by most accounts, a good-to-great speech. “And we were friends before the campaign and I have no doubt that we’ll be friends after the campaign”, she told the magazine. “Think about how much better things would be in DE if we could say that about DE as well”, he said.

After months of campaigning, most of the children are familiar faces to Americans. The Internet is already chock-full of Ivanka Trump pics, and for those who are really curious, the Ivanka Trump age is 34. “He’d always tell everyone in the room how great a daughter I was and say cute things and ask me about a test I took”, Trump told CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger in an interview.

Trump’s children seemed to turn out well.


“I’ve seen it time and time again, that look in his eyes when someone says it can’t be done”.

Opinion: The RNC as a Trump family production