
The Father Of Deceased Soldier Challenges Trump At DNC

Lose the bubble. Trump floats opposition to debate schedule MORE. Pakistani-American Khizr Khan made a powerful and moving eulogy for his son, Humayun, a United States Army captain who died in Iraq in 2004 while defending his squad from a car-bomb attack.


But a burst of comments at the end of Bill Clinton’s lengthy remarks about immigrants, Muslims, and black Americans stirred up wider controversy. “Trump, Khan argued, was imperiling that ideal with his smears of Muslims, women, judges and other groups. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country”, said Khan as the crowd booed at Trump’s ideas.

Numerous convention’s speeches had focused on the dangers of Mr Trump’s inflammatory speeches about Muslims and other minorities but Mr Khan’s story, leavened by loss, brought the point home in a way that the others did not. “Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with their future, let me ask you – have you even read the United States Constitution?” he said, brandishing a copy to loud cheers. “I will gladly lend you my copy”, Mr Khan said.

“You have sacrificed nothing”, Khan concluded bluntly.

“Look for the words “liberty” and ‘equal protection of law.’ Have you ever been to Arlington National Cemetery?” You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities.

Khan said that he and his wife stood on the convention’s stage “as patriotic American Muslims [with] undivided loyalty to our country”. Some were offended by the implication that Muslims in America aren’t already American – already part of the “we” who “want you” – or objected to Muslims and terror being aligned so closely. “We believed in American democracy – that with hard work and [the] goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings”. “And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our President”.

“You have sacrificed nothing and no one”, Khan told Trump.

Khan reiterated that walls and division will not solve the country’s problems.


“We are stronger together”, he said. He advised Muslims, immigrants and patriots in general “to not take this election lightly”. God bless you, thank you.

Politics       Father Of Fallen Muslim Solider Teaches Trump A Lesson In True Patriotism                by Aaron Rupar Jul 28 2016 10:39