
The Feminist Meaning Behind Hillary Clinton’s White Suit

The top five contributors to pro-Clinton groups are employees or owners of private investment funds, and seven financial firms alone have generated the almost $48.5 million for groups working on Clinton’s behalf.


About 4 minutes into Kaine’s speech, he asked the large crowd, “Would you rather have a bridge builder or a trash talker?”

But the television ratings for the historic event at the Democratic National Convention trailed the 32.2 million viewers who tuned in for Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention a week earlier, according to data from Nielsen. “But you know what?” “Hillary’s passion is kids and families”.

“I find it highly amusing that Donald Trump talks about “Make America Great Again”. That group of voters has eluded Clinton and was perhaps a hard sell after a Democratic convention that heavily celebrated racial and gender diversity.

Co-host Joe Scarborough said the Democrats “ripped the mantle of Reagan’s optimism and spread it all over primetime” and predicted the convention would be “transformational” for the party.

Clinton took the stage and continued the theme of bashing Trump and promoting her “Stronger Together” slogan.

Commercial broadcast and cable network viewership, in millions, for each night of the convention from 10 p.m. ET onward. But Trump said Friday that Sanders “sold his soul to the devil” when he – unlike some of his loudly protesting supporters – threw his support behind Clinton.

She pointed to Philadelphia’s history, where 240 years ago the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. They say the nomination of a woman candidate by the Democratic Party is likely to encourage Zimbabwean women to seek nomination for the presidential race in 2018 in the southern African nation.

Washington lobbyists, sensing a Clinton victory early in the cycle, have said they were instead putting their money behind GOP congressional candidates, in an effort to keep control of the House and Senate.

“A democracy requires something from all of us”, she said.

Throughout the short speeches, Trump was mentioned about 20 times.

In addition to introducing running mate Sen.


For three days, the maiden bus tour will wind through the Rust Belt battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Backing Clinton, U.S. Democrats to flag Trump's 'dangerous' approach