
The first official Wonder Woman trailer is FINALLY here

Wonder Woman is only the second feature film of Jenkins’ career and the first time that she has tackled a big budget feature.


“Wonder Woman has the heart of a human and the strength of a goddess”, Gadot said in a report by Variety. Patty Jenkins directs the reboot.

The Israeli-born star said the movie, due out next year, is a story of a girl becoming a woman. It isn’t about me as an actress or Patty as a director.

In another scene, Steve had questions about Wonder Woman’s father, but she only replies with: “I had no father, I was brought to life by Zeus”. The superheroine prepares to battle it out with a sword hidden in her dress. “When the moment came, I could not believe this moment has come”, she said. “Oh my God, it’s really important for me to show her that women are great and women can follow their dreams and do what they feel like doing”.

From the panels for the upcoming Marvel films (DOCTOR STRANGE being but one) to the giddy expressions and gestures from our Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, it was a good time to be a geek.

It will be no surprise if Gadot’s Wonder Woman will win the world over, it would in fact take a woman to do it.

Gadot’s appearance in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” was the first time Wonder Woman had appeared on the big screen in 75 years.


The Justice League movie, directed by Zack Snyder and written by Batman v Superman’s Chris Terrio, is set to hit theaters on November 17, 2017.

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Panel Comic Con