
‘The Flash:’ “The Reverse-Flash Returns” (S2 E11)

The upcoming episode of the Flash season 2 will see the return of Matt Letscher as Eobard Thawne aka The Reverse Flash, but from an earlier timeline.


In “The Reverse-Flash Returns”, wen Cisco (Carlos Valdes) gets a vibe of Eobard Thawne (Letscher), Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team don’t believe it.

We’ll see what producers have to say as The Flash speeds along the back half of Season 2, but did “The Reverse-Flash Returns” blow the Zoom mystery wide open? Candice Patton’s role has been drastically reduced for much of the season, but she did some nice work tonight in the scene where Iris tells her mother she’s not angry anymore, and again when Iris convinces Wally to see Francine before it’s too late. Wells explains that because Reverse-Flash is from the future, killing him in the past did not erase his timeline as it would create a paradox. It was a good development in Cisco’s ongoing arc, one that showed the potential of his powers while also putting a necessary limit on how far those powers can take him. But, with time travel abilities, he soon learned he was destined to be a villain.

As the plot for the second season of “The Flash” thickens, EW recently got a chance to interview one of the show’s big bosses to give out a couple of things that we need to know about the upcoming episodes of our favorite speedster. I mean, I get that he doesn’t want to add everyone he knows to the STAR Labs team, but Patty really could be an asset to the group with her skill set.

Sadly, the show was dragged down by what seems to be the clunky, poorly-executed end to Patty and Barry’s relationship, at least for now. The warm moment they share together on that train is genuinely touching, as Patty comes to peace with Barry’s tremendous responsibility as The Flash, while Barry finds peace in Patty’s understanding. As Barry mopes away, Cisco has a nose bleed. In fact, this is Thawne’s origin story. What a hero! I did like the fact that Patty figured out on her own that Barry is the Flash, what with being a detective and all, but even then he continues to lie until she resorts to tricking him by pretending to be a damsel in distress. They can fix it though by sending The Reverse-Flash back to the future with their combined speeds.


In other news, Caitlyn tries to find a cure for Jay’s progressive disease, which she reveals to Barry. Barry goes through police records to find Earth-1 Jay Garrick, not finding anything. Barry first realizes the Reverse-Flash has returned when he attempts to stop Thawne’s Mercury Labs assault, but he initially fails. Eventually, Caitlyn explains to Jay what she has been trying to do and that she cares about him. This is all neatly tied up, but DC Comics fans will immediately know that Hunter Zolomon is the alter ego of none other than Zoom.

The Reverse Flash Returns in Our The Flash Recap