
‘The Flash’, with Ezra Miller, begins filming in London January 2017

Suicide Squad, after a record-breaking August opening weekend, continues shattering box office records left and right.


In response to all the hate, Miller added, “It’s like that T.I. song, ‘Motivation.'” That’s all well and good, but all the motivation in the world won’t actually fix anything if you don’t recognize the grander flaws. “As artists, we aim to please absolutely everybody with our work, but we also know that we have to keep expressing ourselves as best as we can express ourselves”. It also must have been an interesting and unique experience for Miller since he was filming Justice League at the time, to then be told that he had to do a scene for Suicide Squad.

Motivation is great and all, but it isn’t that useful if you’re motivated in the wrong direction.

The Flash’s scene involved Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) but it wasn’t directed by Suicide Squad director David Ayer, instead Zack Snyder was at the helm for the brief shoot. Like, say, don’t panic at the last second, take a movie away from its director, and let a trailer company edit it. “It was very much a collaborate effort that was supervised by DC”.

While at a recent press event in NY for Suicide Squad, David Ayer told Collider that the Flash’s cameo scene was shot in London, but that it was always going to be part of the film.


However it could be fueling the fire of one of the next stops in the DC Extended Universe, as Ezra Miller has said the defense behind the movie’s poor reviews by the director and cast are motivating Justice League. It’s true, while the cast and crew are beholden to expectations from studios and an ever-increasing pressure from fans, at the end of the day, they need to be able to do something they’re proud of.
