
The force is strong with this adorable new LGBT Campbell’s Soup Ad

Campbell’s Soup has released a heartwarming ad to promote its special-edition Star Wars cans that celebrate all kinds of families. The commercial in question features two gay dads, a kid and a questionable Darth Vader impersonation.


The Advocate includes those brand names here so our readers will know which ones far-right groups like One Million Moms will be targeting in their antigay campaigns.

The spot, which launches the new “Made For Real, Real Life” campaign for the brand, shows a father feeding the soup to his son and delivering the iconic “I am your father line” with his best Darth Vader impression. Campbell’s #RealRealLife campaign aims to change the face of the American family. He repeats the now-infamous (and misquoted) line “Luke, I am your father”.

In an email to supporters, One Million Moms said that Campbell’s Soup was “glorifyng this unnatural marriage”. 1MM does not agree with the need for Campbell’s to support same sex marriages or couples. It is no longer about the product but about their cause.

This gay-inclusive commercial is attempting to desensitize viewers. Couldn’t they be putting their efforts into things that actually matter, like protecting Christian pastors who might be forced to perform gay weddings even if it goes against their religion?

“This is a marketing decision Campbell’s will regret”, it ominously adds.

The group is calling on its followers to urge Campbell’s “to pull this inappropriate commercial immediately and remain neutral in the culture war”.


Ladies, get a grip.

Campbell's Soup Released an Adorably Geeky Commercial With Two Gay Dads