
The Hillary Moment: A Reflection on How We Got Here

It’s true that Hillary was not at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday in Philadelphia. This convention was the 12th Democratic convention he has attended.


Perhaps their worst moments – the Monica Lewinsky scandal, impeachment and legal battles that followed – were conspicuously omitted. He evoked Ronald Reagan, something that drew criticism from Clinton when they were rivals, to contrast the Republican icon’s vision of America as “shining city on a hill” with Trump’s description of the “a divided crime scene”.

It’s up to voters to hold her to that commitment, he added, but first they need to unify behind their shared values. “You heard from Republicans and independents who are supporting our campaign”, Hillary Clinton said.

He wanted to acknowledge some of the state’s most famous women, while also giving a shout out to his family.

In late April, Clinton traveled to Hartford to stump on behalf of her mother in the days before the state’s key primary against U.S. Sen.

Her life has already been a canvas for debates about stay-at-home motherhood, marriage, ambition and the tendency of female leaders to be perceived as less likable.

Chelsea Clinton has a singular role to play on the final night of the Democratic National Convention here, serving as the very last character witness for the party’s nominee – who also happens to be her mother.

This is an opportunity for Americans to be on the right side of history. After health scares and political missteps, the Comeback Kid, as he was known in his first presidential race, could come back to Washington one last time.

Their goal is to turn out the coalition of minority, female and young voters that twice elected President Barack Obama to the White House and, like Obama, offset expected losses among the white male voters drawn to Trump’s message.

“Because both Clinton and Trump have such high negatives showcasing their trophy children is a smart move”, said historian and author, Douglas Brinkley.

“I think it’s important that all of us who don’t feel like Mr. Trump’s rhetoric of sexism and racism and islamophobia and anti-immigrant hatred and stance has no place in our country”, she said while holding a rare gaggle with reporters in Indianapolis in April. She made her first stop at Dunns River Jamaican restaurant in Hartford’s North End, where she spoke for more than 30 minutes to about 100 hard-core supporters. And it is there that numerous white, working-class voters who supported her husband, Bill Clinton, during the 1990s are now rejecting her. “He’s not the once and future king, he’s the once and past king”.

But no one doubts that Bill Clinton still wants to be at the center of the action. While aides have said he will not get a Cabinet post or a seat in the Situation Room should his wife win, Clinton has made clear that her closest adviser will remain involved with her administration, saying he’d likely have a role in managing the nation’s economy. Her husband got the process started Tuesday night in a speech that began irresistibly: “In the spring of 1971, I met a girl”. I will leave it to your imagination, as to what the degenerate will train them to excel in.


“What matters now that I’m a mom myself is that my mom has been fighting for, making progress on issues that really matter to me”, she told voters in Milwaukee this March.

Media won't ask Chelsea Clinton about her father's treatment of women