
The Importance of Chelsea Clinton Introducing Her Mother Tonight

“And that is not the America I know”, Obama said.


Khizr Kahn, a Muslim whose son was one of 14 Muslims killed while serving in the military since the September 11, 2001, attacks, drew cheers when he pulled out a pocket copy of the US Constitution and said he wanted to show it to Mr Trump. “She also tells you how she’s going to pay for it”, she said.

Her acceptance speech was the culmination of a Democratic convention that has offered a sharp contrast, in style and substance, to the Republican convention in Cleveland a week ago.

“America is once again at a moment of reckoning. Bonds of trust and respect are fraying”, said Clinton, a former secretary of state.

As retired Marine Gen. John Allen spoke of how “free people of the world look to America as the last best hope for peace and liberty”, delegates waved huge American flags and chanted “USA, USA”. “God help us”, said former NY mayor Michael Bloomberg, himself a billionaire entrepreneur and an independent whom Democrats called on to broaden Clinton’s appeal.

She promises to focus on parts of the country that have been “left out and left behind” – constituencies where declining living standards, fears about safety and lost jobs have fueled support for Trump.

Vice President Biden on Donald Trump. “America isn’t about ‘Yes he will.’ It’s about ‘Yes we can'”.

And she questioned whether Mr Trump could handle a real crisis as president.

– Will stand by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies against any Russian threats. The packed arena, the roll-call vote, the repeated “next president of the United States”, the big balloon drop at the end – just like candidates from Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole to Mitt Romney have enjoyed. When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit. “Happy for boys and men, too-because when any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone”. And maybe the chance to vote against a major-party nominee who happens to be a woman is itself a mark of progress, just as much as the chance to vote for her. But it was nonetheless a confident and crisp performance by the Democratic nominee.

In her convention-closing speech Thursday night, Clinton admitted she wasn’t ideal.

– Americans are willing to work, and work hard.

The candidate and her team were moving in Pennsylvania in a convoy of more than two dozen vehicles, including two large buses with the campaign slogan “Stronger Together” emblazoned on the side in giant letters. Clinton’s bounce might be unusually high, and her new set-point might be higher than her pre-convention baseline.

She juxtaposed her message of togetherness with what she claimed was a message of separatism coming from Republican nominee Donald Trump. Later, he tweeted that Clinton’s vision is “a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety”. But when we reached out to the RNC requesting more data on the demographics of their delegates, they did not respond to our request.

I mean, [Mike] Pence has led an effort to try to let there be legal discrimination against LGBTQ people. We will not ban a religion. “While Donald Trump is committed to defeating these barbarians, Hillary Clinton is taking tens of millions of dollars from Islamic regimes that brutalize – and in some cases murder – their LGBT citizens”. But we are not afraid. “That starts with listening to each other, hearing each other, trying, as best we can, to walk in each other’s shoes”.

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine took the stage to “humbly” accept his party’s nomination for vice-president and then go on the attack.

If this animosity keeps up, Valdez predicted Donald Trump will succeed in November.

– The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


“Yesterday, I was breastfeeding Aidan and practicing with Megan, and she was giving me feedback and I was exchanging ideas”, she said. She said Obama had not gotten the credit he deserves for avoiding a depression in the early months of his presidency. Trump has been at times very critical of U.S. overreach, and has consistently argued that America’s allies need to take greater responsibility for themselves.

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