
The iPad Pro is available for Purchases

With a keyboard and stylus accessories like the Surface Book, some techies have advised that the features of the iPad Pro look more like they were inspired by Microsoft’s Surface Book. While numerous reviewers were upbeat about Apple’s new iPad, there were some concerns about its potential to supplant the laptop as the computing device of choice for business customers.


Keyboard docks have been available for the regular iPad for some time, as have productivity apps like Microsoft Office or Apple’s own apps, like Pages. So if you’re wondering if there are any apps available for your tablet, then do check out that list for the details.

In September, Apple announced a slew of new devices including the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad mini 4, new Apple TV 4, and a brand new 12-inch iPad dubbed iPad Pro.

The 10,700 mAh batteries could have been bigger but it turned out that the iPad Pro’s four self-balancing speakers are so big that they waste what should have been battery space. That’s cool to do from some respects but the result, I think the overall result, is that it’s not the best tablet and it’s not the best notebook. The Pencil and Keyboard for the Apple iPad Pro are expected to arrive 3 to 4 week later. That makes it still cheaper when compared to the Microsoft Surface Book which retails for a cool $1,499. “I don’t see myself using a Mac as my primary computer ever again”, he wrote in his iPad Pro review.

However, some critics have differing opinions when it comes to using the iPad Pro like a laptop.

But what about a device that could blend both iOS and OS X platforms in one unified operating system?


Last week, Cook described Microsoft’s Surface Book, which a PC / tablet hybrid, as “diluted”.

Apple's big-screened iPad Pro set for shops