
The Latest on ex-Subway pitchman: Fogle seeking 5 years

According to the memorandum, Fogle committed a few criminal acts of his own, but his biggest role was as a co-conspirator with Russell Taylor, former executive director of Fogle’s Jared Foundation charity.


U.S. Attorney’s office spokesman Tim Horty said Thursday that “it’s very unusual” for federal prosecutors to confirm victims of child pornography, but said he could confirm she was among Fogle’s 14 victims because the teenager chose “to make herself public”.

In August, Fogle plead guilty in IN to one count each of distribution and receipt of child pornography, which carries a maximum 20 years in prison, and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor, which carries a maximum 30 years.

A teen by the name of Analissa said she was recorded in Russell Taylor’s home without her knowledge when she was 14 years old, in the summer of 2013. After leaving prison, he would have to register as a sex offender in any state where he worked or lived, the memorandum said.

Under his agreement, Fogle is scheduled to change his plea to guilty on November 19 and be sentenced by a USA district judge in Indianapolis. When Dr. Phil asked her to give an example of her definition of “creepy”, she admitted to feeling uncomfortable around Taylor, despite him seemingly nice demeanor. That’s $100,000 for each of 14 victims. He has agreed to plead guilty to child exploitation and child pornography charges.

“(Fogle) emboldened a molester and a producer of child pornography”, reads the Government’s Sentencing Memorandum filed Thursday.

Investigators raided Fogle’s Indianapolis-area home over the summer and charged him weeks later.

The sentencing recommendation, filed on Thursday, leaves the door open for further charges against the well-known pitchman, if other evidence emerges.


Prosecutors don’t believe that Fogle had any involvement with making child porn videos. The girl said she was among three youths who drank alcoholic beverages at Taylor’s house and became intoxicated. They said Fogle went to “great lengths” to obtain child pornography and indulge in his fantasies with minors.

The Latest on ex-Subway pitchman: 12 1/2-year sentence sought