
The latest on the Dallas shooting investigation

Both of Salamoni’s parents were high ranking, career cops in the Baton Rouge force. Parts of the shooting were captured on cellphone videos. Sterling was shot and killed last.


“The police can’t charge into your house without a warrant, even if they have reason to believe that you have committed a crime”, says Esman.

Owner Abdullah Muflahi filed suit this week against the Baton Rouge police, charging police investigating the fatal shooting treated him like a criminal.

“[With my arrest], the police gave an order, I followed the order and I was arrested nonetheless”, said Mckesson.

As Radar previously reported, Sterling, 37, was wrestled to the ground by two police officers after midnight on July 5.

Police arrested 102 people in Baton Rouge on Saturday night and Sunday morning after confrontations between police and demonstrators that injured two officers, police said.

It’s crucial not only to mobilize protesters and families of victims of police brutality, but to also cultivate and fund the futures of black youth who are dedicated to activism, art, and creating justice and freedom for all black people.

After Moore announced his decision, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry released a statement saying that his office was prepared to act when the federal investigation is over, adding that state officials were told they will not be involved in the Justice Department’s probe.

New Orleans residents account for almost half of the 50 people who were arrested Sunday in Baton Rouge at protests over deadly police shootings. “Most of the march/protest speakers in Baton Rouge were all under 17 years old…”

“They don’t mean ‘black lives matter, ‘” Giuliani said in a Fox News interview on Monday.

Mckesson, who rose to prominence as an activist in the BLM movement during protests in Ferguson, Mo., following the August 2014 shooting death of black teen Michael Brown by a white police officer, maintains that he and others were unlawfully arrested.

Tensions between black citizens and police have risen since last week’s killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Minnesota by white officers, and a retaliatory attack on police by a black sniper in Dallas that killed five officers and wounded others.

Many took to Twitter to comment on the striking contrast of the image – a seemingly harmless woman waiting for two heavily armed officers to arrest her – and went on to compare it to the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest in China. To me it seemed like: You’re going to have to come and get me.


Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr. said Friday that his department was striving to avoid a “military-style response” to the protests.

The Latest: Black Lives Matter activist McKesson arrested