
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Spotted for Wii U

Following the release of Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask and The Wind Waker, we could be in for a Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess revamp in the near future.


Of course, it is entirely possible that this is just a Wii Virtual Console release, like Super Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime Trilogy were earlier this year- in which case the graphics would not be cleaned up.

A remaster of Twilight Princess, which was first released in 2006, would make sense as something to release to tide fans over until The Legend Of Zelda is eventually released on Wii U, the mysterious NX device or indeed both in 2016.

Assuming it was the Wii version that wouldn’t have been anything particularly remarkable, but subsequently fans discovered a reference to Twilight Princess HD on the eShop’s servers – which suggests a full-blown remake in the style of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. Its darker tone was initially praised by fans following the divisively colourful Wind Waker, although upon launch Twilight Princess failed to find the same level of fan love.

The Wii U may be getting a HD remake of the Wii/Gamecube’s Twilight Princess. Let us know in the comments.

Another Zelda port would also fill the gap left now that the next Zelda game has been delayed.


If I’m not wrong, Nintendo won’t be very supportive of the project and may even try to put an end to it. Would you like to see Wii U emulator?

Evidence points to Zelda Twilight Princess HD on Wii U