
The Morning Brew: Pokemon Go not welcome everywhere

Capitol Hill is a popular site for Pokemon Go users due to the many iconic locations there. The game has been credited with getting millions of people up off the couch and out into their community.


Pokemon Go requires players to walk around specific locations in various cities till Pokemon creatures suddenly pop up on their smartphones.

“Playing the game is not appropriate in the museum, which is a memorial to the victims of Nazism”.

“Pokemon Go”, the new cell phone game that has turned into quite the craze, is leaving some-like the Holocaust Museum, a little annoyed, according to a Washington Post report.

Pokemon Go, the augmented reality game that allows smartphone users to catch virtual Pokemon characters in the real world, has caused gamers to wander into a number of interesting places.

It would be hard to know whether someone was playing the game on their phone or using the cemetery’s own app to find their way round.

The auto service Lyft said that it’s seeing a surge in passenger dropoffs to places known as Pokemon gyms and Pokestops, including St. Patrick’s Cathedral. That includes historical markers, public art installations, museums, monuments – and apparently churches.

Judith Margles, director of the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education in Portland, said she hasn’t had any issues with the game. The U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., though, has received the app less favorably, feeling that the museum is an inappropriate venue for a Pokemon scavenger hunt.


The Auschwitz Memorial also tweeted about the discovery Tuesday, adding developer Niantic labs to the tweet. Please see our terms of service for more information. “As long as it’s not disruptive to others or the meaning of the memorials then we don’t have a problem with it”.

A group of friends play Pokemon Go on their smartphones at Union Square