
The Nintendo Classic Mini NES to Be Released

The NES Classic Edition comes with 30 of Nintendo’s biggest titles of yesteryear, such as the first three Super Mario Bros. games, the first two Legend of Zelda titles, Mega Man 2, Metroid, Excite Bike and even the game which nearly single-handedly redefined the role-playing genre, the very first Final Fantasy.


Milking the nostalgia generated by the release of Pokemon Go, which has seen Nintendo shares soar, Nintendo has announced a miniature version of its classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) will go on sale in November, priced at £49.99.

Nintendo is releasing a device that is created to bring nostalgic tears to fans of its classic game and its iconic gaming console.

Nintendo stated that the games are exactly the same to the original cartridge versions though they come with a major update which will allow gamers to save their progress. The 30 games included with the system were chosen to provide a wide variety of top-quality, long-lasting game-play experiences. All for the low, low price of $60 Dollars. Each game has multiple suspend points, so you can start where you left off at a later time, no passwords needed. Fortunately for us they have updated the output hardware so now you can use HDMI to connect rather than the comparatively ancient technology used by the original.

The classic console will also come with an AC adapter.

Nintendo has also set up a landing page on its website for the Classic Mini, which will nearly certainly become an official pre-order page in the near future.


Will you be buying the Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System? In a Q&A session with Polygon, Nintendo gave us a few details about the games and the controllers would work with the Mini NES.

Nintendo's New NES