
The official anthem of the RNC? ‘Lock her up’

Among other things, Christie blamed Clinton for the rise of ISIS, her use of a private email server, and the turbulence in the Middle East.


But Harris added, “It can’t just be an anti-Clinton message, but a message of where we are going to go strategically and where we move the country”.

In March, Trump said at a CNN-hosted debate that the United States has “no choice” but to defeat ISIS and said he was “hearing” that as many as 30,000 troops might be necessary to achieve that goal. We’ve had all these terrorist attacks in America that we never had before.

Clinton was the target of disparaging speeches on Tuesday night, with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former Trump rival, excoriating her foreign-policy record and statements she made about her handling of State Department emails that the Federal Bureau of Investigation declared untrue.

“She was America’s chief diplomat”, Christie said early in his fiery speech. The spot, which features women and fathers with the daughters wearing Trump shirts and reading some of his more controversial lines about women, will be played an estimated 28,000 times, said the group’s spokesman, Justin Barasky. A Trump organization staffer took responsibility for the incident Wednesday. Christie said, “All I do is hug Democrats”.

Christie said the speech controversy has become demeaning for her. She even lied about sniper fire. Speaking to longstanding Democratic allies, Clinton noted Trump’s shadowy appearance before he introduced his wife, Melania Trump, but made no mention of allegations that she lifted passages of her speech from first lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 address. He said the campaign staff, the family and the candidate often form a political “love triangle” that needs to be balanced.

But the negative statements, Devors said, “are going toward those Republicans who are lukewarm to Mr. Trump”.


Clinton’s top dollar super PAC, Priorities USA, will also blanket the city in anti-Trump advertising, making sure anyone who gets into a cab in Cleveland gets the question, “Does Donald Trump really speak for you?” “He was kissing Donald’s rear end for first six months of the campaign. He thought Ted really meant it”.

RNC delegate Hillary for Prison sign