
The Party of Donald Trump will doom us all

The U.S. Republican party’s presidential candidate, Donald Trump has unveiled his plan to fight ISIL.


In his second big policy speech in as many weeks, Trump said he would wage a multi-front “military, cyber and financial” war to defeat Islamic State.

“We will also work closely with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation on this new mission”, said Trump, whose remarks about the defense organization earlier this summer drew heavy criticism from allies and even some of his fellow Republicans.

Trump is right when he says we need a better plan to stop terrorism.

Should Mr Trump get the chance to put his “nostrums” into practice, Asian countries would be forced to shift towards states challenging the United States, most notably China, and some might seek security through nuclear weapons, the former officials said.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a 6-percentage-point lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll released on Tuesday.

Trump says that as soon as he takes office, he would ask the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to identify “a list of regions where adequate screening can not take place”.

Vice President Joe Biden speaking at a campaign event with Hillary Clinton said that Mr Trump’s claim that Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton had “founded” IS proved his views to be “dangerous” and “un-American”, and that it had made U.S. soldiers in Iraq less safe already.

Trump’s proposals were the latest version of a policy that began with his unprecedented call to temporarily bar foreign Muslims from entering the country – a religious test that was criticized across party lines as un-American. His announcement Monday that government agencies would create the list appeared to indicate that would not happen before the November election.

In introducing Trump to the audience at Youngstown State, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani said the GOP nominee is “our only hope for change” when it comes to dealing with “the danger that we face from radical Islamic terrorism”. “We will partner with King Abdullah of Jordan and the president of Egypt, President Sisi, and all others who recognise this ideology of death that must be extinguished”, Trump said.

As Trump wrapped up his speech, he told supporters, volunteers, and others in the crowd, “As President, I will be your single greatest champion”.

The Clinton campaign also called on Trump to disclose ties between campaign manager Paul Manafort and what it called “pro-Kremlin elements in Ukraine”. Her campaign’s efforts may be working well as more than four in 10 voters said she has the personality and temperament to serve effectively as president.

But Sytnik said the presence of Manafort’s name “does not mean that he definitely received this money”. A just-released NBC News/Survey Monkey poll finds the Democrat beating Donald Trump by 9 points, 50-41.


Trump also reversed his position on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

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