
The president is not coming to take your guns

The thing is that the laws that we create don’t stop these horrific things from happening, right and that’s a very tough pill to swallow. Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield were ambushed on February 2, 2013, at a Texas gun range by PTSD-afflicted Eddie Ray Routh.


Private gun sellers say President Obama’s executive orders regarding background checks on firearm sales will affect their business.

So even though this proposed legislation sounds like it could make the buying process a little more hard, vendors at the “Tanner Gun Show” say it likely won’t change much, if anything, here in Colorado. Democrats have always been with him – more than two-thirds of them believe that increased gun ownership leads to higher incidence of crime, a position that Obama has staked out.

“I think the timing of this is done intentionally to distract from the fact that Congress is about to put on his desk a repeal of Obamacare that he doesn’t want to have deal with but he will veto”.

“So they can do the same amount of damage with a pipe bomb”.

In the last 10 years, we have had tragedies resulting in more than 100,000 Americans dying as a result of gun violence. “You take guns away from good people, and bad people are going to have guns because they’re going to do whatever it takes to have them anyway”, Sherwood Davis III said, who is an employee at Sherwood’s Guns. He said that if people want to see a contrast between conservatives and liberals, the GOP needs to demonstrate it by letting Obama know they have no intention “of rolling over”. “I would argue that it’s not necessarily that I think someone is going to take my gun from me, it’s that I have the hope, the hope that I can protect myself… that I have the freedom to carry whatever weapon I think I need”, she told Obama. She criticized his newly announced executive actions expanding background checks and spoke about the importance of self-defense. “President Obama does not have the authority to ask sheriffs to confiscate guns”, Lemons said.

In a column for CNN published after the debate was televised, Kyle wrote: ‘We can’t legislate human nature.

After the event was over, Kyle said, she did talk to a few people in the audience who were passionate about their belief that a background check would have made a difference, “and maybe it would have”.


Major interest has been attracted by Mr Obama’s activities on firearms in the presidential campaign, with all the Republicans expressing resistance and the Democratic nominees.

Chris Kyle's Widow Challenges President Obama Over Gun Laws