
The Real Star of David Cameron’s Last Day Is Larry the Cat

Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn pressed Cameron on questions over homelessness and the status of European Union nationals, but also jokingly asked if Cameron meant to take over from Len Goodman as the head judge on Strictly Come Dancing.


Conservative MPs were joined by Liberal Democrat former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg and a number of Labour politicians in getting to their feet and applauding Mr Cameron as he finished his final turn at the despatch box.

He posed for images in front the shiny black door, waved, and embarked on the brief trip to the palace.

Cameron, making his last appearance in the House Commons as PM before he makes way for Theresa May later on Wednesday, ended with some mockery at his own expense, turning a jibe he once directed at Tony Blair towards himself.

Giving up one of his allotted six questions to pay tribute to Cameron, Corbyn asked him thank his mother for her fashion advice – a nod to a previous rowdy exchange where Cameron said his mother would want the often unkempt Corbyn to “put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem”.

Cameron also took a moment to discuss the Downing Street resident cat, Larry, who is being left behind. “Other than one meeting this afternoon with Her Majesty the Queen, the diary for the rest of my day is remarkably light”.

David and Samantha Cameron had a group hug with their children for the last time, as they said goodbye to their family home.

He then prompted laughter across the House as he adopted an American accent to recount the time he was greeted by a member of the public in NY when he was Leader of the Opposition.

When Cameron moves out, Larry will stay behind, keeping his title as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office – a move some Brits have said shows Larry was merely a political ploy to make Cameron more likeable while in office.

It is believed he was brought on as chief mouse-catcher after rats were seen on two occasions behind television news correspondents reporting live. Nonetheless, Downing Street said Wednesday that Larry’s tenure will continue. Because people come here with huge passion for the issues they care about, they come here with great love for the constituencies that they represent.

David Cameron will be appearing before Parliament as prime minister for the last time before handing over to successor Theresa May.

On Wednesday, Mr. Cameron was expected to remind lawmakers of his role in stabilizing Britain’s economic position when he took power in 2010, after the global financial crisis.

Cameron told The Daily Telegraph it had been “a privilege to serve the country I love”.


She will reportedly give priority to appointing a Cabinet minister in charge of implementing Brexit, the decision to leave the EU.

David and Samantha Cameron share emotional group hug with their children as they wave goodbye to Downing Street