
THE SCOOP | Tenors Member Fired After Getting Political At MLB All-star Game

They went on to call Pereira, “extremely selfish” and added that he would no longer be performing in the group, “until further notice”. “Pereira’s change to the national anthem to further his political views is inappropriate and disrespectful”.


Tensions are high in the United States after protests over police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota, and a sniper attack on Dallas police, which claimed the lives of five police officers, by a black former USA soldier who said he wanted to “kill white people”. And that is why everybody’s life matters.

On Tuesday night, the group issued a statement and blamed the entire incident on the “lone wolf” member, Remigio Pereira.

Pereira was expected to sing “with glowing hearts we see thee rise”.

The term “All Lives Matter” is a controversial charged term in response to the “Black Lives Matter” Movement. He also allegedly held up a card with the words “All Lives Matter” on it. I am disturbed that people would attribute anything other than the purist of intentions to my actions.

According to the Associated Press, many fans in the stadium reacted with surprise when they saw the sign on the ballpark video scoreboard.

The group was performing at the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in San Diego when the singer went off-script.

That is, he changed the lyrics of O Canada to make a political statement, without consulting anyone, just as the Liberals did through Belanger’s private member’s bill, without consulting Canadians through national public hearings, as they should have.

The anthem wasn’t shown on US broadcasts, but it aired in Canada.

But the three remaining singers (Clifton Murray, Fraser Walters and Victor Micallef) are now left to do damage control for the Pereira’s “lone wolf” act. Clearly Pereira wasn’t acting with the support of his group-but his intent was never meant to create violent reaction, blacken the black movement or undermine anyone’s right to live.


Those global performances include gigs at the 2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremonies, the 2012 Queen’s Jubilee in England and the 2014 Stanley Cup Final.

The Tenors pose with the Juno after winning for Adult Contemporary Album of the Year during the 2013 Juno Gala Dinner and Awards in Regina on Saturday