
The search for MH370: Confusion over new material found on Reunion Island

“I only believe the French government”, said Li Yuehua, whose 29-year-old daughter Li Wenbo was aboard the aircraft.


France has intensified its land, sea and air searches for debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on and around the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean. Meanwhile, the aviation industry also needs to know what led to the plane’s crash so as to better prevent similar accidents from happening again, Braithwaite said.

About two-thirds of the passengers were from China, and in the Chinese capital, Xu Jinghong said she could not understand why Malaysian and French authorities did not make their announcement together.

Family members of people who were on board the Malaysia Airlines plane staged an anguished demonstration Friday morning in Beijing.

Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has said Australia is confident the search is being conducted in the right area.

Li urged Malaysia to search for more evidence. Since no other 777 on Earth is missing, the part seems assured of being from Flight 370. “I don’t know why they don’t have as many precautions, but they’ve definitely lost credibility”. Some questioned why the countries involved couldn’t get on the same page before speaking publicly.

Chinese relatives of passengers aboard missing flight MH370 have marched to the Malaysian embassy in Beijing, some demanding to be taken to the Indian Ocean island where suspected wreckage from the plane was found.

They scuffled briefly with police who stopped them from entering a road leading to the embassy.

Mr Lai said that the Malaysian team, which is part of investigations in France, is convinced that one of the sealants on the wing part, known as a flaperon, matches the data held by the airline.

Some carried signs that said: “Malaysia hides the truth, Malaysia delays the search”. “Our records show that it’s the same as MH370“, Liow said.

“A quick conclusion will not do justice to the next of kin of the victims”, he said.

Malaysian officials said they had handed a load of aircraft debris – including window pane, cushion and aluminum materials – to French authorities for verification on whether any of it is from MH370.

He said he was waiting for “irrefutable proof” of what happened to the plane.

Ninety pieces of debris have been found on the beach at Saint Andre on Reunion in the last nine days and have been sent for analysis.

“We have decided to deploy additional aerial and maritime assets to search for potential new debris off Reunion Island“, France’s Defence Ministry said in a statement on its website.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak said the part was “conclusively” from MH370. The flaperon does belong to the Boeing 777 and there are technical reasons for that. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly.

Many relatives have long been frustrated by Malaysia’s handling of the disaster, which at times has been marred by contradictory and conflicting information.

Zhang Yongli, whose daughter was on the plane, expressed similar sentiments of anguish, anger and distrust.

Liow told CNN on Friday that Malaysia hadn’t asked the Australians to expand or change the search area. That was also wrong.

Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Centre, which is helping coordinate the search for the missing airliner said Wednesday, before the Malaysians announced the discovery of new items, that there was no indication so far of any more aircraft debris.


When do you think the search of the underwater area is likely to be completed?

The search for MH370: Confusion over new material found on Reunion Island